After Hurricane Florence hit the east coast in 2018, we started thinking about the victims there, what they were going through, and the help that they needed. It occurred to us that we could and should help. So, we decided that we would donate $100 for every property purchased over a 2-week time-period. We were hoping we’d sell 5 properties – but we sold 12! We realized that our customers had the same heart that we do! We were ecstatic!
We decided that our giving should not be limited to certain catastrophic events, as there are so many needs in our country year-round. Now, for EVERY property that is purchased, we will make a donation to one of these amazing causes:
- American Red Cross
- American Cancer Society
- American Lung Association
- Susan G. Komen Foundation
- Feeding America
If you are considering buying land, please consider TruDream Properties. You’ll not only be buying your dream, but you’ll be helping others along the way.